David Lyster Bird is Britain's top bridge writer, and has written or co-authored more than 70 books. He is bridge correspondent for the UK's Mail on Sunday and the Evening Standard and contributes regularly to bridge magazines around the world. He is best known for his humorous bridge fiction, featuring the pompous Abbot of the St Titus Monastery (featured on page 6). As a player, he is a Grandmaster and has won thirteen national championships. |
on page: |
10 Ways to Improve Your Bridge |
10 More Ways to Improve Your Bridge  |
25 Bridge Myths Exposed |
25 More Bridge Conventions You Should Know with Barbara Seagram |
25 Ways to Be a Better Defender |
25 Ways to Take More Tricks As Declarer with Barbara Seagram |
52 Great Bridge Tips |
Another 52 Great Bridge Tips |
52 Great Bridge Tips on Declarer Play |
Abbot and the Sensational Squeeze, The |
Abbot's Great Sacrifice, The |
Acol in the 90s |
All Hands on Deck! |
All You Need to Know About Bidding with
Terence Reese |
All You Need to Know about Play with Terence Reese |
Art of Good Bidding, The with Terence Reese |
Bachelor Bridge: The Amorous Adventures of Jack O'Hearts with Simon Cochene |
Beaten by the Masters |
Bridge Adventures of Robin Hood, The |
Bridge at the Edge with Boye Brogeland |
Bridge Cardplay Made Easy |
3 |
Bridge Endplays for Everyone: Yes, Even You! |
Bridge for Money with Martin Hoffman |
Bridge Hands to Make You Laugh...and Cry with Nikos Sarantakos |
Bridge Made Easy. |
Bridge Over Troubled Waters |
Bridge Squeezes for Everyone |
Bridge: The Modern Game with
Terence Reese |
Bridge: Tricks of the Trade with Terence Reese |
Bridge With a Feminine Touch
with Simon Cochene |
Bridge With Imagination with Geir Helgemo |
Cardinal Sins |
Celestial Cardplay |
Defensive Signaling at Bridge |
Divine Intervention |
Doubled and Venerable: Further Miracles of Card Play |
Famous Bidding Decisions: Test Your Skills Against the Experts |
Famous Bridge Disasters |
Famous Bridge Records |
Famous Hands from Famous Matches with Terence Reese |
Famous Leads and Defences |
Famous Play Decisions: Test Your Skill Against the Experts |
Having Nun, Partner? with Martin Hoffman |
Heavenly Contracts |
Hidden Side of Bridge, The with Terence Reese |
How the Experts Do It: Improving Your Bridge |
How to Play Winning Bridge: An expert, comprehensive teaching course ... |
How To Win At Bridge in 30 Days: A Crash Course in Bridge Basics |
Improve Your Bridge: A Teach Yourself Guide |
Inspired Cardplay with Martin Hoffman |
Kosher Bridge |
Kosher Bridge 2 with Ron Klinger |
Magic of Bridge |
Make a Start at Bridge with Terence Reese |
Miracles of Card Play with Terence Reese |
No Trump Contracts (Essential Bridge Plays) |
Off-road Declarer Play: Unusual Ways to Play a Bridge Hand |
Planning the Play of a Bridge Hand with Barbara Seagram |
Practise Your Defence to Pre-empts (Bridge Plus Practice) |
Practise Your Suit Combinations (Bridge Plus Practice) |
Rabbi's Magic Trick, The: More Kosher Bridge with Ron Klinger |
Robin Hood's Bridge Memoirs |
Saints and Sinners: The St. Titus Bridge Challenge |
Secrets of Expert Card Play: How the World's Experts Make the Most of Their Cards |
Secrets of Expert Defence with Tony Forrester |
Defensive Signalling at Bridge |
Somehow We Landed in Six Notrump |
Teach Yourself Better Bridge |
Teach Yourself Bridge with Terence Reese |
That Elusive Extra Trick |
Tournament Acol: A System for Winners |
Unholy Tricks with Terence Reese |
Win at Bridge: A Teach Youself Guide |
Win at Bridge in Thirty Days |
Winning Notrump Leads with Taf Anthias |
David Bird has also co-authored the Bridge Technique series with
Marc Smith.
Short and full of practical examples, each book in the 'Bridge Technique Series' takes the reader through the most important aspects of card-play technique at bridge. Where appropriate, play is examined from the point of view both of declarer and defenders. Full of quizzes and chapter reviews,...
David Bird also co-authored the Test Your Bridge Technique series with Tim Bourke. These books are are designed to accompany The Bridge Technique Series. Full of practical examples, each book takes the reader through the most important aspects of card-play technique at bridge. Where appropriate, play is examined from the point of view both of declarer and defenders. Full of quizzes and chapter reviews, these award-winning books will also reinforce the bridge concepts you learn. |
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